Open source security fought back in 2022

Jean J. Sanders

Early December marked the one-year anniversary of the Log4j security meltdown. Ever since, the software world has been on a dead sprint to ensure it would never happen again. We’re finally seeing some traction as the missing links in software supply chain security begin to get filled in. Log4j was […]

5 Ways to Boost Data Security on the Cloud

Jean J. Sanders

Cloud is a powerful tool, but sometimes it hard to maintain data security on the cloud. That’s because it’s also a powerful target. Cloud security is an important concern, and it’s not just limited to large companies. Small businesses can also be targeted by hackers, who often go after small […]

Europe’s eIDAS 2.0: a threat to modern web security?

Jean J. Sanders

The big picture: The Council of the European Union is preparing a new set of rules for secure electronic communications and identification. eIDAS 2.0 goes backward, however, adopting a security model which has been long abandoned by modern browsers and internet platforms. eIDAS, or “electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services,” […]

Complexity is the enemy of cloud security

Jean J. Sanders

It’s a fact that most enterprises put security teams and tools in a silo. It drives me nuts when I see these bad habits carried over to cloud computing security. I covered this topic three years ago, and for the most part, it’s unchanged. Many of today’s security breaches are […]