Medical Coding– What Is It And Where Are Its Issues?

November 30, 2022 2 min read Reimbursement is a large part of how hospital systems generate revenue from payers (insurance companies), and is what we call ‘the backend’ of healthcare. Medical coding, though less visible to patients, helps physicians note and justify treatments and diagnosis for their patients; it is […]

Complexity is the enemy of cloud security

It’s a fact that most enterprises put security teams and tools in a silo. It drives me nuts when I see these bad habits carried over to cloud computing security. I covered this topic three years ago, and for the most part, it’s unchanged. Many of today’s security breaches are […]

Voices at the Center: Asian American Educators Rising

“When the murders happened in Atlanta, my school said nothing.” On March 16, 2021, a 21-year-old white man went on a targeted shooting rampage across Atlanta, driving 30 miles to three massage businesses and killing eight people, the majority of whom were Asian women. Upon capture and questioning, the shooter […]

How Cognitive Science And Artificial Intelligence Are Transforming Global Industries?

Cognitive science has become integral to many fields, including human-factors engineering. This area focuses on designing products and systems for people and optimizing how people perform tasks. Cognitive science and human-factors engineering work hand in hand, applying information from cognitive, psychological, and behavioral studies to create better products and systems […]

Azure Kubernetes doubles down on WebAssembly

It’s interesting to see how cloud-native runtimes are evolving. Although containers make it simple for applications to bring their own runtimes to clouds, and offer effective isolation from other applications, they don’t offer everything we want from a secure application sandbox. Bringing your own userland solves a lot of problems, […]