Why Everyone Needs an Inheritance Strategy

Jean J. Sanders

Q: My partner recently lost her mother. They never talked about money and the family battling that took place while settling her estate was a nightmare!  Do you recommend families talk about these things in-advance to make things easier? Losing a loved one is often difficult both emotionally and logistically.  […]

6 Factors Driving Changes to Today’s Corporate Strategies

Jean J. Sanders

System is a aggressive game, which often evolves in response to levels of competition. But the magnitude of the changes in the technological, social, and natural natural environment are these that company technique will require to be qualitatively reinvented yet again for new conditions. This write-up discusses six components are […]

Don’t Confuse Strategy with Lofty Goals

Jean J. Sanders

Most firms communicate method as a set of aspirations and platitudes. But aspirations aren’t technique, and that manner of conversation leaves staff members in the dark. System is a established of hard-to-reverse decisions and conveying what these possibilities are and why they were being made is what strategy communication ought […]