Technical SEO for Your E-Commerce Website


While a visually appealing website is great, you need a solid technical foundation to support the design elements. These are 3 strategies to improve your website’s technical SEO.

1. Secure Your Website

Site security is a critical part of technical SEO. There are many potential threats to e-commerce websites, including malware, data breaches, and other malicious actions. Visitors enter sensitive information when they visit your website to buy items. Visitors need to feel secure and protected when they visit your website.

It is crucial to take the necessary steps for technical SEO in order to ensure that your website is secure from hackers. This is one way to make customers feel secure enough to purchase from your website.

2. Increase the Speed of Site Loading

Waiting for pages to load can be one of the worst experiences a user could have. Because technology is so fast and convenient, people are growing impatient.

Even if your products are top-notch, customers can become discouraged and leave your site if it loads slowly. This can lead to customer loss and may even result in customers being dissatisfied.

These are some ways to speed up your site’s loading speeds:

  • Reduce the number of redirects
  • Reduce the size of image files
  • Using an external platform for hosting videos
  • Allow browser caching

Even a one-second increase in site speed can help you convert more visitors and improve your user experience.

3. Your URL Structure Should Be Cleaned Up

One of the best ways to improve your website’s technical SEO is to learn how to create a clean URL structure.

A clean URL structure will ensure that your URL navigation path does not contain random numbers and letters. 

It includes words that will tell you where you are located on the site. Search engines and users instantly know what to expect on the page.

This makes crawling the site faster and allows you to include your keywords in your URL for better ranking. This allows you to target a keyword and build demand-generation marketing.

This post was written by Kristian D’An. Kristian is the owner and SEO Specialist of the best Pinellas Park web design. Kristian has been optimizing websites successfully for over 7 years. He has helped his clients achieve the #1 position on Google in several different industries. 

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